We are asking for your support against the unfair changes to CTP Insurance in Canberra.
Fight the ACT Government’s Unfair Changes to Compulsory Third party Insurance. Your voice is all we need, and it only takes 1 CLICK !
Access the online petition form here
The ACT Labor are recklessly changing laws for car accident victims for the decrease in premiums by the cost of a cup of coffee each week.
Instead of setting $25,000 for a small claim and $600,000+ if you’re more severely injured, you get zero either way. Zilch. Next to nothing.
People with what they call ‘minor injuries ‘get virtually nothing either. The definition of ‘minor injury is so large that it can include injured people who may never return to work. Two broken legs is ‘minor’. Mr. Barr, come and see us – we will put your legs over a gutter, jump on them ‘til they break and see if you still regard two broken legs as minor.
How about if it was your kids??? It’s almost criminal – how surprising for politicians.
If you can convince your CTP insurer that you or your kids are injured enough (good luck with that), you will get two years of ‘reasonable’ treatment and wage-loss cover (that’s great because so many kids have full-time jobs). If you’re lucky, you might get 2 years loss of income and after that, the dole (Centrelink) – but sure as hell, never enough to pay your mortgage. Ready to tell your kids to live on the street or change schools for a govie flat? Well, get ready.
If the ACT government reduces these compensation rights as per Labor ACT:
- Seriously injured people will be denied compensation entirely;
- Victims will be forced onto Commonwealth Social Security payments; and
- Families will need to take out additional private insurance.
Families will lose their homes. We have SEEN IT HAPPEN. Unfair? No, it’s not; not according to the ACT Labor Government. Some might say criminal, others might say a ‘no Barr government ‘vote.
We need to make sure the ACT government is stopped.
Access the online petition form here
United Legal Barristers and Solicitors support the ACT Law Society’s submission against these changes. It is due by 7 May 2019 for the Speaker and ACT Legislative Assembly. It just requires your name and address.
Every signature counts. Make a change today; avoid suffering tomorrow.
Call United Legal (02 6295 2292) or the ACT Law Society (02 6274 0300) to find out more.